All Day
Click links below... List of environmental events in the Wycombe area This is a more detailed listing of individual events. It is a pinned post on the Facebook page of Wycombe Env Centre. List of environmental organisations in the Wycombe area Another way to find out re events. Click on the link to the organisation's […]
Find out more »Re-Use Shop ‘Refresh’ EVERY DAY EXCEPT Monday
Open Tues-Thurs 12-4, Fri-Sat 10-4 & Sun 12-4. Refresh Wycombe is a wonderful scrap store based in the Chiltern Shopping Centre, right here in the heart of High Wycombe. Our aim is to encourage you to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Create. We have a huge selection of surplus and unwanted stock all donated by local […]
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Chiltern Rangers Conservation MOST THURSDAYS
Most Thursdays the Chiltern Rangers run a volunteer conservation group which is open to all. Come along and meet the group at Wycombe Rye Lido Car Park and keep fit while helping to take care of your local environment at woodlands. Tools, gloves and hot drinks are provided. Please wear stout footwear and appropriate clothing suitable […]
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